Dates: 27th January, 23rd March, 27th July
In 2024, SWF will be introducing the SWF Club Meet. SWF will be collaborating with our affiliates to host these meets in hopes to grow the sport further in Singapore.
These friendly competitions are open to all weightlifting enthusiasts who would like to have their lifts validated by our technical officials. It simulates a weightlifting competition which may be great for individuals who would like to experience the competitive element of weightlifting, test out their competition routine or even set a new personal best!
Registration will be released at a later date for each Club Meet. Do keep a lookout for further updates through our socials!
Date: 18th May
Venue: Singapore Weightlifting Federation
SWF Athlete Assessment is open to aspiring weightlifters in Singapore who would like to have their lifts validated and represent Singapore as a National Athlete.
The Athlete Assessment for 18th May 2024 will also be the Commonwealth Championships Qualification for both our current National Athletes and aspiring Athletes.
Date: 1,2,3 November 2024
Further details and registration will be released at a later date. In the meantime, do keep a lookout for further updates through our socials!
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